Hodnota metriky 1letý cíl společnosti Alimera Sciences Inc. je $14 +144.12%
1-letý cíl (1-year target) je analytiky předpokládaná cena akcie za rok od dnešního dne.
One year target is an estimate of a stock price for a point in time equal to a year from the current date. The price level most often reflects the collective opinion of different analysts on where the stock will be trading a year from now. For an analyst to identify an individual estimate, they have to project what a company’s business will look like in a year, typically focusing on revenue and other significant factors. They also consider the willingness of investors to pay a certain price. While the average or median recommendation may be predictive and reflect the actual future value, the results are usually not extremely successful.
alimera, founded in june 2003, is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the research, development and commercialization of prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals. alimera is presently focused on diseases affecting the back of the eye, or retina, because these diseases are not well treated with current therapies and will affect millions of people in aging populations. alimera's commitment to retina specialists and their patients is manifest in its product and in its development portfolio designed to treat early- and late-stage diseases. for more information, please visit www.alimerasciences.com. alimera's european operations are conducted from london by its subsidiary, alimera sciences limited.