Datum platby dividend společnosti FG Acquisition

Jaká je hodnota metriky Datum platby dividend společnosti FG Acquisition?

Hodnota metriky Datum platby dividend společnosti FG Acquisition Corp. je N/A

Jaká je definice metriky Datum platby dividend?

Den výplaty dividend (Dividend date) je den splatnosti stanovený pro vyplacení dividend akcionářem.

The dividend date or payment date is the date on which dividends will be paid to shareholders. Only shareholders who owned the stock before an ex-dividend date are entitled to dividends.

Čemu se věnuje společnost FG Acquisition?

FG Acquisition Corp. focuses on acquiring one or more businesses or assets through a merger, amalgamation, arrangement, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization, or other similar business combination in the financial services industry. The company was incorporated in 2021 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.