Institucionální vlastnictví společnosti Speciality Restaurants

Jaká je hodnota metriky Institucionální vlastnictví společnosti Speciality Restaurants?

Hodnota metriky Institucionální vlastnictví společnosti Speciality Restaurants Limited je 6.18%

Jaká je definice metriky Institucionální vlastnictví?

Institucionální vlastnictví (Institucionální vlastnictví) je objem akcií společnosti, které jsou ve vlastnictví podílových nebo penzijních fondů, pojišťoven, investičních firem nebo jiných entit, které spravují finanční prostředky jiných.

Given the considerable sums of money that institutions invest, it is not surprising that they tend to be much more knowledgeable than the average investor when it comes to the companies and industries in which they have invested.

Institutional portfolio managers often meet personally with a company's top executives, and in many cases the research they conduct is further supported by equity analysts who evaluate prospective companies and industries in great depth before making specific investment recommendations.

Institucionální vlastnictví společností v sektoru Consumer Discretionary sektor na BSE ve srovnání se společností Speciality Restaurants

Čemu se věnuje společnost Speciality Restaurants?

Speciality Restaurants Limited owns and operates restaurant outlets and sweet shops in India. The company operates its restaurants under the Mainland China, Oh! Calcutta, Asia Kitchen by Mainland China, Sigree, Sigree Global Grill, Flame & Grill, Café Mezzuna, Hoppipola, Gong Modern Asian, POH, Spicery by Sigree, Jungle Safari, Haka, Machaan, and Zoodles brand names; and confectionaries and cafes under the Sweet Bengal and Dariole brands, as well as bars under the Hay and Episode One brands. As of March 31, 2020, it operated 109 restaurants, including 26 franchise restaurants; and 31 confectionaries. The company was founded in 1992 and is based in Mumbai, India.

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