Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Gresham House Strategic Plc
Jaká je hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Gresham House Strategic Plc?
Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Gresham House Strategic Plc je 0.02
Jaká je definice metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál?
Poměr dluhu k vlastnímu kapitálu (debt to equity ratio) udává podíl vlastního kapitálu a cizích zdrojů na financování majetku společnosti.
The debt to equity ratio is generally calculated by dividing debt by equity. The D/E ratio is also known as risk, gearing or leverage. The two components are often taken from the firm's balance sheet or statement of financial position (so-called book value), but the ratio may also be calculated using market values for both, if the company's debt and equity are publicly traded, or using a combination of book value for debt and market value for equity financially. Preferred stock can be considered part of debt or equity. Attributing preferred shares to one or the other is partially a subjective decision but will also take into account the specific features of the preferred shares. When used to calculate a company's financial leverage, the debt usually includes only the long-term debt.
Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společností v sektoru Finance sektor na LSE ve srovnání se společností Gresham House Strategic Plc
Čemu se věnuje společnost Gresham House Strategic Plc?
Gresham House Strategic plc specializes in PIPE, pre-IPO, growth and acquisition, recovery capital investments. The fund invests in financial services, media, information and communication technology, digital information and technology, healthcare, and life sciences. It prefers to invest in companies based in United Kingdom and Europe and can also co-invest outside Europe with local venture capital firms. The fund also seeks to make follow on investments. It invests in companies with market capitalizations of less than £250 million ($283.87 million) and seeks to acquire stakes between 5% and 25% for cash or share consideration. It seeks to invest between three to five years. The fund invests in smaller public companies as well as private companies. It invests in public companies that are listed on FTSE All-share and AIM All-Share Index; stocks trading greater than 50% below 3 year price high; EV or EBITDA less than 7 times, gearing more than 75%, ROCE greater than 10%, FCF Yield greater than 10%. The fund invests in private companies in P2P opportunities, equity and equity-related instruments, preferred equity, preferred quasi equity positions including convertible and non-convertible debt instruments, and mezzanine preferred instruments. It attracts portfolio in scenarios - excluding cash, portfolio trades on a weighted average EV or EBITDA greater than 5 times; generating in excess of 10% growth in 2017 based on broker forecasts. The fund targets 15% net IRR over the long-term.
Firmy s metrikou dluh/vlastní kapitál podobnou společnosti Gresham House Strategic Plc
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Irving Resources je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Ruffer Investment Co je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Capitan Mining je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Kairos Minerals je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti First Mexican Gold je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti First Mexican Gold je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Gresham House Strategic Plc je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Hudson Resources je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Infield Minerals je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Discovery Africa je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Puma Exploration je 0.02
- Hodnota metriky Dluh/Vlastní kapitál společnosti Silex Systems je 0.02