EPS společnosti Apple Inc

Jaká je hodnota metriky EPS společnosti Apple Inc?

Hodnota metriky EPS společnosti Apple Inc je 6.59

Jaká je definice metriky EPS?

Zisk na akcii (Eearnings per share - EPS) je zisk společnosti na jednu akcii. Bere v úvahu ředění akcií a počítá se za posledních dvanáct měsíců.

Earnings per share is the monetary value of earnings per outstanding share of common stock for a company. Preferred stock rights have precedence over common stock. Therefore, dividends on preferred shares are subtracted before calculating the EPS. When preferred shares are cumulative, annual dividends are deducted whether or not they have been declared. Dividends in arrears are not relevant when calculating EPS. The EPS is usually calculated as profit without preferred dividends divided by weighted average of common stock shares over the past twelve months.

EPS společností v sektoru Consumer Discretionary sektor na NASDAQ ve srovnání se společností Apple Inc

Čemu se věnuje společnost Apple Inc?

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California. Apple is the worlds largest technology company by revenue, with US$394.3 billion in 2022 revenue. As of March 2023, Apple is the worlds biggest company by market capitalization.

Firmy s metrikou eps podobnou společnosti Apple Inc