Vydané akcie společnosti Signet International

Jaká je hodnota metriky Vydané akcie společnosti Signet International?

Hodnota metriky Vydané akcie společnosti Signet International Holdings, Inc. je 20.536M

Jaká je definice metriky Vydané akcie?

Vydané akcie (Shares outstanding) je počet všech akcií společnosti nebo finančních aktiv, které byly autorizované, vydané a koupené investory a jsou jimi vlastněné.

Shares outstanding includes all stock held by investors including both common shares held by the public and restricted shares owned by the company's internal managements. Shares outstanding have rights and represent an ownership in the corporation by the person who holds the shares. They are distinguished from treasury shares, which are shares held by the corporation itself and have no exercisable rights. Shares outstanding plus treasury shares together amount to the number of issued shares.

Shares outstanding can be calculated as either basic or fully diluted. The basic count is the current number of shares. Dividend distributions and voting in the general meeting of shareholders are calculated according to this number. The fully diluted shares outstanding count, on the other hand, includes diluting securities, such as warrants, capital notes or convertibles. If the company has any diluting securities, this indicates the potential future increased number of shares outstanding. A company's market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the price of one of its shares by the total number outstanding shares a company has issued.

Vydané akcie společností v sektoru Industrials sektor na OTC ve srovnání se společností Signet International

Čemu se věnuje společnost Signet International?

Signet International Holdings, Inc., a development stage company, focuses on developing advanced technologies, energy solutions, and medical devices. It focuses on development of bioscience and sport medicines, including Sterilal self-sanitizing devices, PASS smart denture mouth guards, handheld heart attack sensors, and melanoma detection systems. The company also offers InCharge magnetic-based battery device that provides energy; and develops applications for de-icing application of graphene for use in the airline industry, as well as technology for arc melted glass piles for structural foundations. Signet International Holdings, Inc., was founded in 2003 and is based in Palm Beach, Florida.

Firmy s metrikou vydané akcie podobnou společnosti Signet International