Insiders trading at Electronic Arts
Over the last 13 years, insiders at Electronic Arts have traded over $619,249,458 worth of Electronic Arts stock and bought 37,875 units worth $1,010,915 . The most active insiders traders include Gregory B Maffei, Frank D Gibeau a Jay C Hoag. On average, Electronic Arts executives and independent directors trade stock every 4 days with the average trade being worth of $1,707,731. The most recent stock trade was executed by Vijayanthimala Singh on 3 September 2024, trading 1,000 units of EA stock currently worth $151,700.
What does Electronic Arts do?
electronic arts inc. is a leading global interactive entertainment software company. ea delivers games, content and online services for internet-connected consoles, personal computers, mobile phones and tablets.
What does Electronic Arts's logo look like?
Electronic Arts executives and stock owners
Electronic Arts executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include:
Andrew Wilson,
Chief Executive Officer, Director -
Blake Jorgensen,
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer -
Laura Miele,
Chief Studios Officer -
Kenneth Moss,
Chief Technology Officer -
Christopher Bruzzo,
Chief Marketing Officer -
Andrew Wilson,
Chairman & CEO -
Blake J. Jorgensen,
Exec. VP & CFO -
Laura Miele,
Exec. VP & COO -
Kenneth Moss,
Chief Technology Officer -
Christopher Bruzzo,
Chief Experience Officer, Exec. VP of Marketing, Commercial & Positive Play -
Kenneth Barker,
Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer -
Luis Ubinas,
Lead Independent Director -
Lawrence Probst,
Independent Chairman of the Board -
Richard Simonson,
Independent Director -
Jay Hoag,
Independent Director -
Leonard Coleman,
Independent Director -
Talbott Roche,
Independent Director -
Jeffrey Huber,
Independent Director -
Heidi Ueberroth,
Independent Director -
Chris Evenden,
Vice President -
Mala Singh,
Chief People Officer -
Joel Linzner,
Executive Vice President - Worldwide Business Affairs -
Matthew Bilbey,
Executive Vice President - Strategic Growth -
Jacob Schatz,
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary -
Vijayanthimala Singh,
Chief People Officer -
Jacob J. Schatz,
Exec. VP, Chief Legal Officer, Gen. Counsel & Corp. Sec. -
Eric Charles Kelly,
VP & Chief Accounting Officer -
David Tinson,
Sr. VP of Global Communications -
Peter R. Moore,
Chief Operating Officer -
Jeff Huber,
Director -
Denise Warren,
Director -
Chris Suh,
Chief Financial Officer -
Vivek Paul,
Director -
Gabrielle B Toledano,
EVP, HR & Corporate Services -
Samantha S. Smith,
SVP, EA Mobile and Maxis -
Patrick Soderlund,
EVP EA Games -
Stephen G Bene,
SVP and General Counsel -
Lucy Bradshaw,
SVP, Maxis Studio -
Frank D Gibeau,
President of the EA Labels -
Nancy L Smith,
EVP, Global Publishing Org. -
Kristian Segerstrale,
EVP, Digital -
Geraldine B Laybourne,
Director -
Rajat Taneja,
EVP, Chief Technology Officer -
John S. Riccitiello,
CEO, Director -
Gregory B Maffei,
Director -
Linda J Srere,
Director -
Rachel A Gonzalez,
Director -
Chris Bruzzo,
Chief Experience Officer -
Kofi A Bruce,
Director -
Eric Charles Kelly,
Chief Accounting Officer -
Stuart Canfield,
EVP & Chief Financial Officer